Avoid e-commerce mistakes - 6 points to help. | Aware Digital

Working with eCommerce sites for over 10 years of my career has taught me lots about mistakes that companies make. Especially when they start to grow faster than they expected.

Here are 6 points to consider when growing your e-commerce business in the near future.

1. Development, don’t cut corners.

Development shortcuts might sound like a mistake you’re not likely to make. But sometimes budget dictates you need multiple elements created for your project with only a small budget.

Enter a partner who’ll do it on the cheap but cut corners and leave your business with a high amount of technical debt.

2. Choose the right partner.

Choosing the wrong partner can be a costly mistake for business, especially on large scale projects. You’ll be working closely with that partner and their staff for the length of the contract, or until the project is complete.

You have the power to choose your e-commerce agency, so make sure you choose an agency that understands you. With the right attitude and approach to how you work.

Big names can seem tempting, however, they are likely to have a set way of working that might not suit your business needs.

Do your research – there will be ups and downs with any large project, you need to find that right partner you trust throughout.

3. Road map

It might seem like a great idea to get all of your custom features into your site from day 1. But think about long term gains. Slowly introducing features over time will mean you don’t run the risk of going over budget of the original scope. Or missing those important deadlines you’ve set out.

4. The users journey

Take a step back and look at the data. Try to make informed decisions on how your users are interacting and purchasing from your online store.

If a purchase isn’t complete on a mobile device find the drop off point and evaluate how you can improve on that conversation, is the UX right? Was the customer offered the best shipping rates.

In 2018 44% of online transactions were done through a mobile device, this is only going to increase moving through 2019 and into 2020.

Make sure your team is building a mobile-first experience, finding ‘touch points’ that help users to convert.

5. Data is your friend.

Yes, you know your store and your customers. But data doesn’t lie. Taking actionable insights from data you’ve accumulated while running your e-commerce store can help boost weak areas of your business.

6. Product data

Product data is the foundation for your online store, functionality that your customer will value. Making sure this data is correct is key. Offering;

  • Improved site navigation through filters
  • Improved site search results
  • Improved product data feed for Google Shopping

You’ll benefit from getting data for product sales analysis and the ability to perform accurate price comparisons against your competition.

Need help with your current store?

If you’re not currently with aware but need help with your eCommerce platform, let’s talk. Whether it’s digital marketing, eCommerce updates, security enhancements or UX.

Our team of digital experts can audit your current platform and advise of the next best steps for your business needs.