Improving your eCommerce in 2019 | Aware Digital

Shopping online is now the norm and eCommerce has skyrocketed over the last 5 years, allowing to spend their hard earned money in an online environment. With growth of around 15% from 2017 to 2018 eCommerce is sure to grow again in 2019!

Most if not all shops now taking up an online presence the market is becoming more and more crowded, companies fighting to reach to top spot on Google. And with the past trends it’s even more important now to think critically about your current online shop, and how it reflects to people in the online space. Now is the time to address the quality of your website. Overhauls are not a small decision for any business looking to compete in the world of eCommerce. But you don’t always have to overhaul your complete site, sometimes a tweak here or there is all it needs.

To help you with your eCommerce this year we’ve put together a short list of items you can action.

1. User Experience and Design

If your company is too busy to maintain or keep on top of your eCommerce store you might find that the design starts to become dated, and the UX (user experience) starts to fail. Companies usually grow and forget to take their eCommerce store along with them. Design is always important, but UX is even more so. Not just focusing on visual aesthetics, it covers a wide variety of aspects such as, speed, performance, interactions and overall experience. Consider stepping back and looking at your website not from your companies point of view, but your customers.

2. Mobile Experience

Now is the time of the mobile. Users are using mobile devices now more than ever. On average 80% of adults in the UK accessed the internet via a smartphone or tablet. Is your site mobile friendly, from start to finish. Does the users journey have any issues where they can’t interact with the site like they would a mobile app?

3. Hard to update

Aware are an agency specialising in Magento, Shopware and WordPress. Using these open source technologies allows businesses to take the software anywhere they please. Done correctly, each one of these technologies is very easy to update and stay in full control of. Think about how easy your system is to stay up to date and if you were to move to another agency would they know where to start?

4. Slow site

Having a slow eCommerce site is always poor for customers. Slow eCommerce means higher bounce rates, less satisfaction and higher dropouts. In some ways this ties in with UX and offering the customer the quickest and best experience possible will allow your site to flourish. Are you paying enough for your server? Are you displaying images at the correct format and size? Are you offering a mobile first experience to reduce render times for the customer? These are all questions you can be asking yourself. Or a digital agency.

5. New target market

Your business may have grown over the last few years and now you’ve started to notice a new gap in the market, which is now starting to enhance your eCommerce store. This is all natural growth and you should embrace it. But will your current site support it? Keeping a site that is outdated in design, technology and UX, you could potentially be snubbing customers who want your product or service. Think about how your website can represent the customers needs and wants.

6. Technology

Are you running a Magento 1 and want to go to a Magento 2? Updating your eCommerce platform there is no time like now. With only 17 months to go for end of support for Magento 1 its time to jump onto the Magento 2 ship and enjoy its new features.

Get in touch.

It’s important to always be proactive and want the best results for your eCommerce site. A good redesign / UX and new platform should be driven from data collected from your current customers and new. Don’t waste time on capturing this data as it will mean you have more chance of success for your new site.

If you think that your business could do with help or support for UX, eCommerce, Magento or any other web issues, drop aware a message or give us a call. We’re happy to help in any way.